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4 Reasons Not To Switch From Propane To Natural Gas

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When a utility company extends the natural gas pipeline into rural areas, homeowners are offered the choice of hooking up to the utility or continuing to rely on their existing heating system. Many rural homeowners use liquid propane gas (LPG) to heat their homes and wonder whether they should make the switch. Consider some sound reasons to continue using propane. The Option to Lock In a Price Propane prices tend to fluctuate more dramatically than natural gas prices do during the heating season. Read More»

3 Important Things Your Business Should Know About Drug Screening

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Drug screening law in Canada has changed a lot recently, which can make it difficult for your business to keep up with new standards. As such, understanding legislation is key in making sure your business doesn’t violate any human rights. So, before you start screening, remember… You Can’t Screen Employees With Intent To Deny Them A Job Canada differs from the US in that it is illegal to screen job applicants before they are offered a job to turn them down for employment. Read More»

What To Expect When Relocating Your Business With An Industrial Mover

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When you decide to use industrial movers to relocate your commercial business, you have taken a smart step in keeping things streamlined, safe, and easy along the way. Industrial movers excel in making the right decisions needed for any commercial operation, as they have experience with everything from small business moves to full-time manufacturing dismantling and relocating. So if you’ve hired a professional to make your next commercial move, there’s a few things you should expect from the process. Read More»

How To Strengthen A Foundation To Prepare For Earthquakes

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It seems that natural disasters happen almost every week. It is no longer unusual to see tornado or hurricane devastation on the evening news.  In recent years, earthquakes have also become a deadly, destructive force that has impacted Canada and countries abroad. When you are a homeowner, this can be quite frightening! However, there are things you can do as a homeowner to strengthen the foundation of your home. First Things First Read More»

Tips To Get The Most From Your Batteries

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Batteries are essential for powering many of the portable devices that make modern life so easy and enjoyable. However, many people make the mistake of estimating the complexity of their batteries, and this can cause them to make some mistakes that can shorten the lifespan of their batteries or even damage their electronic devices. Fortunately, there are a couple of simple tips you can follow to make sure that you are getting the most from these devices: Read More»